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I want to leave the house cleaning to a professional!In such a case, which should I ask for "house cleaning" or "housekeeping service"?[Image] House cleaning teachers teach!What is the difference between housekeeping and house cleaning?I asked Aki Sakata, a house cleaning person, about the difference between housekeeping and house cleaning.
House cleaning refers to a highly specialized cleaning that is performed using special tools and detergents.We recommend using house cleaning when cleaning that is stubborn or needs to be disassembled.The fee is higher than the housekeeping agency, but it is safer to leave it to a professional if it is difficult to clean.If you blindly clean it yourself, you may damage the material.In house cleaning, you can request air conditioning cleaning, ventilation fan cleaning, internal washing machine cleaning, waxing, etc.
Cleaning on housekeeping refers to the so -called daily cleaning that is performed at home.For those who are not stubborn, have no time, are busy and can't turn around, we recommend doing housework.Fees are cheaper than house cleaning.Housekeeping is an image of keeping everyday beautifulness and adjusting the clutter.Depending on the cleaning company, it is common for housekeeping to use detergents and tools at your home.As for the cleaning content, you can request vacuum cleaners, washing, bath cleaning, toilet cleaning, shopping, ironing, and kitchen cleaning.
There is stubborn dirt!In that case, some people are reset once in house cleaning, and then keep their beauty on the housekeeping agency.Or, if you look at the housekeeping agency for the time being, you can use house cleaning if you think it is difficult to clean it on housework.
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