[Amazon's first sale] Daily necessities special feature For children, color masks, and laundry detergents (page 1/2) --Netorabo
The types of masks have increased.
[ねとらぼ] Amazon.Child.The first big sale "Amazon's first sale" is being held on JP.The period is from 9:00 on January 3 to 23:59 on January 6.

画像をクリックすると「Amazonの初売り」特設ページへ移動します In this article, we have compiled daily necessities that are easy to buy in bulk, such as non -woven masks, washing and dishwashed detergents.There are also small children's masks, clothes, and color masks that are easy to match with makeup.
* The information will be at the time of writing the article, so please check the price on Amazon before purchasing.Also, there are limited quantities, so it may be sold out.
Recommended product pickup (as of 12:00 on January 5)
Get points with "Amazon Charge" before shopping
In "Amazon Charge", which allows you to charge cash to the Amazon gift certificate balance, if you charge 5000 yen or more at a time, Prime members will be 1.0 % to 2.5 %, usually 0 members.5 % to 2.0 % points are given.If you are a prime member, you can pay by credit card, and every time you charge more than 5000 yen at a time, 0.You will earn 5 % points.
* A preliminary entry is required for credit card payment for Amazon Charge
Point -up campaign shopping at a great deal
In the point -up campaign held at the same time as the first sale, up to 6 % and 5,000 points will be given at a later date depending on the purchase amount during the sale period.The conditions are to enter from the dedicated page (1 click OK), and purchase more than 10,000 yen during the period.Use it well because all products are subject to reduction!
The first sale special feature of Amazon
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