I don't really like beautiful, but I just like gadgets, so I've used it since I started to get around a lot of "Rumba".
Naturally, there are many things that are not smarter than IROBOT's rumba, so before moving the robot vacuum cleaner, things scattered on the floor to some extent were cleared up, and the robot vacuum cleaner was gone ahead.In addition, there is a "robot vacuum cleaner", such as being unable to overcome the steps, falling into the soil, entangled in the curtain's hem, and involving charging cables.
もうちょっと賢い掃除機を使ってみたいと思っていたところ、9月11日より発売が開始されたBeijing Roborock Technologyの最上位モデル「Roborock S6 MaxV」をお借りすることができた。発売元はSB C&Sで、ソフトバンクセレクションでは通常価格87,780円(税込)のところ、9月30日までのキャンペーンで82,780円となっている。
It is equipped with a two -eye camera in front to measure the position and distance of the obstacle in three dimensions, and identify what the obstacle is, and take appropriate avoidance actions.Let's try what the effect is.