03 09
<Cleaning the room and toilet> [Part 1] How to clean the toilet or vacuum?I'll do it even if I'm tired!?

When working, it is difficult to balance housework and childcare.Above all, there are many people who want to clean the toilets and rooms where dirt is conspicuous, but do not easily turn their hands.How often do moms usually clean?There was a question in the Mamasta community.

How often do you clean?

When it comes to work, housework, and childcare, many moms will do a lot of things every day.However, if you do not clean it, the child's spills will remain on the floor, or the hair falls on the flooring, and it will remain dirty here and there.In fact, how often do working moms clean?

"I can't settle if it's dirty"

Vacuuming a vacuum cleaner or cleaning the toilet is tired.However, if you leave the dirt saying "I'm tired today", it may be better to clean it.To prevent this from happening, it may be surprisingly easy if you make it a daily habit.I asked the opinions of my moms who do it every day.


Some of my moms who do it every day said, "If you look at a dirty room, you will get tired."Certainly, if the room is dirty, I will not be calm, and I think that I have to clean up there and here, and it may end up in the end.

If you get tired from work, you may want to break it down.When are you cleaning?

Wake up in the morning, prepare for breakfast, send children to school, go to work with yourself, and when you come back, moms who have no time to clean up to prepare for dinner.How do you clean?

Rather than coming back from work and saying "I'm going to clean it," it seems that you set a cleaning robot while you are away to clean the floor, or clean it lightly when using a toilet or bath.is not it.It may be possible to clean it frequently because it can be cleaned quickly in a couple of minutes.

What are the useful items used by moms?

Moms who are busy with housework and childcare.You can hear the voices of moms saying, "I'm so busy that I want to borrow cats."It is convenient cleaning goods that moms rely instead of "the help of a cat".What items are you using?

In the toilet, the toilet seat is dirty, and the floor is dusty, so it is surprisingly easy to get dirty.Moreover, because it is used many times a day, it may be one of the most dirty parts in the house.Conversely, it seems that you can keep the feeling of cleanliness just by wiping the toilet seat and floor every time.If you use a cleaning robot with a timer when you are away from the vacuum cleaner, you will not have to vacuum the room after returning home, which will help you.It is easy to feel heavy when you think, "Do you have to clean your house again after you're tired from work," but you tend to use a convenient cleaning goods and use the gap time to clean your mom.It seems that the burden of the us can be cleaned up a little and can be cleaned easily.

Continue to the second part.

Sentence, Yuri Mano editing, Wendy Yamauchi

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