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<Is a dishwasher convenient?No need?> [Part 2] I'm worried about having a dishwasher.The disadvantage is surprising?

Continuation from the last time.Isn't it better and faster to wash with your own hands than to use a dishwasher?Contributor who feels.From moms who feel that there is no dishwasher anymore, according to the voice of the contributor

・ Saving time and utilities costs ・ You can take measures against rough hands ・ There is also a drying function

The benefits were received.However, although the dishwasher is a convenient item, it seems that there are disadvantages if there are merits.What are the disadvantages of the dishwasher?

Disadvantages of dishwasher Part 1 "Installation space problem"

If there is no "built -in" dishwasher provided in the kitchen from the beginning, you will have to prepare a "stationary" dishwasher to be installed later.

However, this stationary type dishwasher is quite large, so it is difficult to secure space to install.This seems to be the first challenge (disadvantage) when introducing a dishwasher.

It seems that there are many moms who want to store other things, not just built -in and stationary types, but also if there is space to put a dishwasher.Effective use of kitchen limited space seems to be a major issue for housewives.

Disadvantages of dishwasher Part 2 "The effort increases!"

The disadvantage of lamenting that the introduction of a dishwasher increased the effort was also a disadvantage.


It would be nice if the dishes and cooking utensils after use could be put in the dishwasher as they were, but if the dirt is severe, wash it in advance or lightly lip it before putting it into the dishwasher.Sometimes you need.It seems that some moms feel this pre -washing is troublesome and hassle.

Isn't it better to wash it as it is if you pre -wash?I understand the feeling of feeling.

If you get a dishwasher, you will be released from the worries of dishwashing!Many moms seem to have a disadvantage that the management of the increased items is waiting for.

The dishwasher must be washed regularly with a special detergent or dried in the warehouse.In addition, it is better to clean the cleaning of the waste network frequently.

I don't think it was a lot of trouble for the writer who was actually doing it.However, it may be a disadvantage for moms who want to simplify housework as much as possible.

Disadvantages of dishwasher Part 3 "There are unwashed tableware, noisy sound"

In addition, there were dishes that could not be used in a dishwasher, time -consuming, and problems with the loudness of the sound.You can use dishwasher -compatible dishes, but your favorite tableware may not be compatible.It may depend on the product, but the operation sound of the dishwasher is loud ...

Knowing the disadvantages makes you see if it is necessary or unnecessary

The disadvantage of using a dishwasher that moms think.How did you feel about the number of real disadvantages that you can see just because you actually used it?

Isn't it very helpful for those who want to introduce a dishwasher in the future?If you know the disadvantages in advance, it will be a judgment material for purchasing.Also, if you know the disadvantages first, you will be able to take measures.

Whether a dishwasher is needed, unnecessary, convenient, or not seems to be different depending on the circumstances of each home.Please refer to your mom's voices on whether it is really convenient or leading to time.

Sentence / Sakuramiya Yo edit, Yamauchi Wendy Illustration, PONKO

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