26 02
Leave the wash to the dishwasher with all your might!When I was in a relaxed housework, I would like to talk with my family

Every day I want to do housework as quickly as possible.In particular, it may take extra time because it does not feel uncomfortable because it does not feel good.How to make such a weak housework efficiently?I was told about the tips that Taeko Mizutani, a organizational storage advisor, is practicing.

Leave the housework by leaving it to something

Mr. Mizutani is busy working hard for housework and raising three people while working.What she keeps in mind to live in her own is, "I don't have too much housework and sometimes leave it to my family and my family."He says that by letting go of housework well, he can make his own time.I will introduce Mr. Mizutani's housework rules.

● Detergents used every day are not weighed!


Dishwasher detergent and laundry detergent love tablet type that does not require weighing."I can save the trouble of weighing, and there is no need to worry about sinking."One push -type detergent for a small amount of washing.

● The dishwasher first and do not wash


"I don't want to take the effort to wash, so I rely on a meal washing machine as much as possible. I am thoroughly devising how to put it in so that many dishes can be entered."



In addition to putting a pot in a dishwasher, sometimes the stove Gotoku is washed.

● Select dishes based on dishwasher standards


Tableware is mainly for commercial use, such as the Oval plate of Italian "Satarnia", which can be washed with a dishwasher.Oval is useful because it is easy to put in a dishwasher.


The black soup bowl is a lacquerware OK for the dishwasher of "Nakagawa Masashichi Shoten".


This is a bowl of France "Apirco".

● I can't make a side dish for lunch


During the long vacation of your eldest school's school, you need a lunch box to bring to schoolchildren."It's hard to make side dishes every day, so we have 3-4 commercially available frozen side dishes."The lunch is completed in about 5 minutes.

teach!Mizutani's time technique

I asked Mr. Mizutani, who is good at using time, what he is interested in.

● Q: What do you do for the gap time?


A simple email reply that you can do with your smartphone will make a simple reply to your work -related emails, and after dinner, you will be sitting on a sofa and watching TV.You don't have to accumulate unplaced emails, so it's easy to feel.

● Q: How do you have time with your child?


無理して時間はつくらず生活の流れのなかで休日は家族ですごろくをしたり近所の公園に行ったり。平日はお風呂の中でその日の出来事を聞くほか、子どもが宿題をしているそばに座ってコミュニケーションをとるようにしています。家事を効率よくすませることでうまれた時間、どんなふうに使いますか? 子どもや家族とゆっくり過ごしたり、自分の時間を楽しんだり。時間を上手にやりくりして、充実した毎日を過ごしてみませんか。<撮影/山田耕司、林ひろし 取材・文/Esse編集部>●教えてくれた人【水谷妙子さん】整理収納アドバイザー。夫、長女(8歳)、長男(6歳)、二男(4歳)の5人家族。片づけ講座などを行うほか、雑誌やテレビ、Webでも活躍中。近著に『無印良品ではじめる新しい習慣』(扶桑社刊)
