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Two dogs wary of robot vacuums. But you guys are getting sick, right? ?? | Gadget Tsushin GetNews

The dogs of this house who are wary of robot vacuum cleaners that move around alone. Although they approached boldly and barked ..., they were completely reluctant to the opponent who was ignoring themselves and rushing forward.

Even though I approached the robot vacuum cleaner and barked ...

A robot vacuum cleaner that was cleaning the floor of a house in the United States.

Source: YouTube

It was the two pet dogs in this house that came there. It seems that he is wary of robot vacuum cleaners that move around alone.

Source: YouTube

When two of them approach the robot vacuum, one barks "One!".

Source: YouTube

ロボット掃除機に警戒心を示す2匹の犬。けど、君たち腰が引けちゃってるよ?? | ガジェット通信 GetNews

Then, the two animals who immediately changed their course in different directions observed the reaction of the other from a distance. But of course, robot vacuums continue to work in a non-responsive and dignified manner.

Two animals driven to the rear

It seems that the two robot vacuum cleaners are becoming more and more alert to the robot vacuum cleaner that does not scare at all even if it barks.

Source: YouTube

If the child who was moving to the kitchen barked and reapproached the robot vacuum cleaner ...

Source: YouTube

This time, the two of them struggle to block the path of the robot vacuum cleaner. However, both of them have completely settled down against the opponent who ignores them and pushes forward.

Source: YouTube

Eventually, the two were driven to the corner of the living room.Even so, one of them keeps barking at the robot vacuum cleaner while running away ...

Source: YouTube

The other one was overwhelmed by the dignified attitude of the other party, and finally escaped. The people themselves (the dogs?) May be very serious, but the robot vacuum cleaner's cute appearance is humorous and funny.

Click here for the video

Two dogs who are wary of robot vacuum cleaners, but who are completely sick. You can see the funny scene from this video.

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