03 06
[less than 10,000 yen] 29 options are recommended for cheap facial beauty! Strict selection of functionality and performance-to-price ratio such as ultrasound, EMS and water stripping

Can I buy a cheap facial beauty?

The key point to pay attention to when choosing a facial beauty is whether the required functions are complete for yourself. Choose dryness, acne and other care products that can be close to skin troubles. Even if the price is low, you can avoid failure by choosing care that is suitable for you or with good performance-to-price ratio. However, there are many cheap facial beauty devices, so you can see clearly from them.

Checkpoints when buying cheap facial equipment

  • Manufacturer and Brand

  • Functionality and ease of use

  • Costs, including operating costs

With regard to the key points that should be paid attention to when paying attention to the price when choosing beauty ware, let's take a closer look at it.

安い美顔器のチェックポイント1. 販売Manufacturer and Brandの質

安い美顔器を購入したいときに、チェックしたいのが販売Manufacturer and Brand。販売実績の多い人気のメーカーや美容家電に特化した老舗メーカーであれば、一定の品質が保たれています。また、保証内容がしっかりしているブランドのものであれば、安心感があり導入しやすいですね。

安い美顔器のチェックポイント2. Functionality and ease of use

When choosing a beauty device, you must check whether it has the function and mode suitable for your skin annoyance. In addition, by confirming word-of-mouth and comments, you can confirm the operability and sense of use in advance to provide you with a reference. However, due to personal differences in effects, be careful not to put too much information on cormorants. In addition, as there are overseas products and other goods without Japanese instructions, it is recommended to look at the official website and sales website before buying.

安い美顔器のチェックポイント3. Costs, including operating costs

In the case of having to keep buying accessories, even if it is not easy to choose cheap goods, it will become more expensive in the long run. Special conditioner and beauty lotion used with facial beauty machine, ink cartridges that are replaced regularly, etc., should be checked to see if it is necessary. Especially when choosing a steam facial beauty, please make sure it corresponds to the lotion sold on the market.

Selection method of facial beauty device | description type and function

No matter what the price, thoroughly explain how to choose the basic facial equipment. In order to find the facial beauty that works best for you, control the main points of your choice.

Types of facial beauty devices | advantages of different types

美顔器の種類1. 美顔スチーマー│スキンケア前の準備に!蒸気でお肌に潤いを

Provided by: LIMIA editorial department

【1万円以下も】安い美顔器おすすめ29選!Ultrasonic wave (ultrasonic wave)やElectronic short message、ウォーターピーリングなど機能性とコスパで厳選

A beauty steam engine that moisturizes the skin by sticking steam on the face. Use before skin care, it can make it easier for the skin to penetrate into the soothing corner layer. In addition, the use before cleaning is also effective. The warm steam opens the pores, making the dirt fall off more easily. The skin can be moisturized, but it doesn't have a moisturizing effect, so don't forget the lotion and lotion.

美顔器の種類2. 美顔ローラー│お肌に沿って転がすだけで手軽にケア

The Beauty Roller works by sticking the rotating roller on the face, rolling and rolling. Things made of platinum and titanium with high durability, germanium attached to things produced by ions at a certain temperature, etc., so is the selection of materials. As long as it is a beauty roller with weak electrical stimulation of "micro-current" and "Electronic short message" function, nursing can be carried out effectively.

美顔器の種類3. ウォーターピーリング│毛穴汚れを除去!透明感のある肌に

It is recommended for people who care about the blackheads of pores and the dark skin caused by horniness. It is a water-stripping facial beauty device. Through ultrasonic vibration, the dirt in the depths of the pores caused by the old stratum corneum is blown away with foggy water for nursing. Blowing off dirt requires a corresponding vibration frequency, so choose carefully. Heads that are in direct contact with the skin come in different sizes and shapes. Choose the part that is suitable for the care you want.

美顔器の種類4. 美顔マスク│着けるだけで簡単ケア!自分に合う効果を選べる

Beauty mask, you can wear it on your face without using hands. This is a hands-free, but also can beauty excellent products, there are two types of LED (LED) masks and Electronic short message masks. The type of LED (LED) that irradiates light to the skin varies depending on the color of the light, so choose the LED (LED) type that is equipped with your own function. The Electronic short message type uses electricity to stimulate muscles.

美顔器の機能│Electronic short messageやUltrasonic wave (ultrasonic wave)、Iontophoresisなど

  • Electronic short message

  • Ultrasonic wave (ultrasonic wave)

  • PF wave (wave)

  • Iontophoresis

  • Ion derivation.

  • LED (LED)

  • Micro current (micro current)

  • Electroporation (electroporation)

Here, let's take a closer look at the function of the facial beauty machine.

美顔器の機能1. Electronic short message│表情筋に刺激を与えてアプローチ!

微弱な電気を流し、肌の深部の筋肉までアプローチするElectronic short message機能。表情筋に刺激を与えます。顔全体はもちろん、目の下や口の周りなど、気になるところを重点的にケアするのもおすすめです。電気の刺激によりピリッとした感覚があるため、強さを調節して使用しましょう。

美顔器の機能2. Ultrasonic wave (ultrasonic wave)│総合的に肌を整える!

Ultrasonic wave (ultrasonic wave)系の美顔器は、Ultrasonic wave (ultrasonic wave)の振動を利用することで幅広いケアができます。高周波と低周波があり、それぞれ効果が違うため、用途に合ったほうを選びましょう。周波数の高い「高周波」は肌表面の汚れを落としたり、部分的な細かい目元の悩みに、「低周波」は肌の内部まで届くため、年齢による深い悩みにアプローチします。

美顔器の機能3. RF波│キュッと引き締めハリのある肌に!

ラジオ波とも呼ばれるRF機能は「ジュール熱」を利用して、肌をじんわりと温めます。RF機能を持つ美顔器は微弱電流を流して肌の表面にアプローチする機器。イオンやUltrasonic wave (ultrasonic wave)と比べて刺激が少ないため、目の周辺などデリケートな部位に使用できます。

美顔器の機能4. Iontophoresis│うるつや肌へ!悩みに合わせた美容成分との併用が効果◎


美顔器の機能5. Ion derivation.│汚れ・古い角質を除去で、肌本来の輝きを

美容成分を肌に入れ込む「Iontophoresis」と違い、肌から汚れを引き出し美顔器に吸着させる「Ion derivation.」。クレンジングや洗顔では取り切れない、メイク汚れなどを一掃できる機能です。肌の調子やキメを整えます。IontophoresisやIon derivation.ではコットンをはさむことで、より反応がよくなります。

美顔器の機能6. LED (LED)│お肌の弾力アップやニキビの予防に!

家庭用の照明にも使われるLED (LED)は美容面でも大活躍。光をあてるだけで手軽にケアが可能です。光の波長(色)によって得られる効果が違い、赤色は肌に光を届け、肌のハリに。青色は肌荒れ防止におすすめ。緑色は外でアクティブに活動することが多い人におすすめ。

美顔器の機能7. Micro current (micro current)│肌のサイクルサポート!ハリのある健康的な肌に!

Micro current (micro current)は微弱な電流を流し、お肌を刺激。肌の正常なサイクルをサポートし、健康で整った美しい肌へ導きます。スマホ・PCを酷使や生活習慣の乱れにより、お肌のケアが滞りがちな現代人にこそ使ってほしい、新しい美容技術と言えます。

美顔器の機能8. Electroporation (electroporation)│Iontophoresisを超える浸透※力!

Electroporation (electroporation)は、密接する肌をやわらげ、そこに美容成分を浸透(※)させる機能。美容成分を浸透(※)させる点では、Iontophoresisと似ています。しかし、Iontophoresisが苦手とする、ヒアルロン酸やコラーゲンなどの分子の大きい成分も浸透(※)させることができるのがポイントです。使用する美容成分によって、幅広い効果を発揮。※角質層まで

If you get lost, recommend a multi-functional facial beauty!

Because beauty appliances have many functions, there should be many people who don't know which one is suitable for them. At this time, choose a multi-functional facial beauty with multiple functions and modes, including the desired functions. But the multi-functional price is also very expensive, so please study it carefully while confirming the price. In addition, in the case of men, there are also face-to-face beauty devices for men with more skin troubles and bones. Because the effect remains the same, it is also possible for men to use female-oriented facial beauty devices, but a comparison between the two is recommended.