The gas fan heater is a good thing to heat the room without drying the air. If the weather gets cold, many people want to set it up in the room. This time, the construction steps and costs of the gas fan heater will be explained in detail. If you set up a room that can be built without a gas hydrant, you can set up a gas fan heater. Those who are interested must refer to it.
Gas fan heater is a heating equipment that uses gas to heat a room. The ability to heat the air is very high, although the room will warm up soon, but the air will not be dry.
When the air is dry, the activity of the virus becomes active, so maintaining humidity also helps to prevent infectious diseases such as colds.
As gas fan heaters use gas, gas plugs and gas cords are required for installation. If there is no gas plug in the installation site, additional works should be carried out. In addition, depending on the type of gas used is city gas or propane gas, the choice of model is also different. Therefore, choose the gas fan heater suitable for the type of gas and the area of the room.
When you hear about the project of adding air plugs, you may think that "this may be a very large-scale work". What kind of project will actually be carried out? The process of gas fan heater project is explained in detail.
Application (application)
ガスファンヒーターを設置したい部屋にガス栓がない場合は、まずガス栓増設のApplication (application)を行います。
ここで注意したい点は、Application (application)先です。Application (application)をするときは、ガスファンヒーターを取り扱っている販売会社ではなく、契約しているガス会社に連絡をします。ガス栓の増設Engineering (engineering)はガス管をさわるため、必ずガス会社への連絡が必要です。
Some people may consider their own DIY in order to save the cost of the project, but it is very dangerous for laymen to build gas pipes. Don't do the construction yourself, be sure to contact the gas company.
See you below / estimate
When adding air plugs, air plugs cannot be installed anywhere in the room. Sometimes the location cannot be added, and even if it can be added, the place will be restricted.
Depending on the construction of the house, whether the air plug can be set varies, so the additional places need to be previewed. In addition, the cost varies according to the distance from the branch to the setting site. The longer the distance, the higher the construction cost, so please give me a quotation before the actual installation.
Engineering (engineering)
ガス栓増設Engineering (engineering)は、Engineering (engineering)をする規模によってEngineering (engineering)時間が異なります。
既存のガス栓を利用できるなら30分程度でEngineering (engineering)が完了しますが、既存のガス栓を取り替える場合のEngineering (engineering)時間は1時間程度でしょう。もしガス栓がなくて新設する場合は半日ほどかかります。基本的にはその日のうちに終わる簡単なEngineering (engineering)です。新設する場合は床や壁に穴を開けることになるため、その点だけ注意しておきましょう。
ここまで説明したように、ガスファンヒーターを設置するにはガス栓を増設するためのEngineering (engineering)が必要です。そのため、Main body of gas fan heaterの価格とは別にEngineering (engineering)費用が発生します。本体価格とEngineering (engineering)費用がそれぞれどのぐらいかかるのか、費用の目安についてSummary (summary)ました。
Main body of gas fan heater
Main body of gas fan heaterの価格は機種によって幅があります。一般的には温められる面積が広く、搭載されている機能が多いほど高額になります。
For example, if it is a gas-fired fan heater corresponding to a 10-tatami area, it can be purchased under 20,000 yen. However, if you choose a model that corresponds to 20 tatami mats, the price is about 40, 000 to 60, 000 yen, more than doubling the price. In addition, the environmental protection function of automatically lowering the set temperature according to the temperature, as well as the products with air purification function, the price is easy to become high.
When choosing a gas-fired fan heater, consider the balance between amount and performance, and choose the right type of room.
ガスファンヒーターEngineering (engineering)費用
ガスファンヒーターのEngineering (engineering)費用は、Engineering (engineering)内容によって変わります。ガス栓を増設する場合にかかる費用は約1万〜2万5,000円ほどが目安です。しかし、この金額は分岐の有無やガス栓からの距離などでも異なります。また、ガス栓の取り替えでは1万円前後になります。
ガスファンヒーターのためのEngineering (engineering)は大がかりなEngineering (engineering)に思えますが、基本的には1日で終わります。そのため、Engineering (engineering)費用もそれほど高額ではありません。
Fully electrified houses do not have gas pipes and may be considered unable to install gas fan heaters. However, in fact, by introducing gas from the outside, a gas plug can be added.
ガスを新たに引き込むためには、まずガス会社との契約が必要です。ガス会社と契約する際は、都市ガスかプロパンガスか選ぶことになります。一度どちらかと契約すると、変更するためには再度Engineering (engineering)が必要になるため、慎重な判断が必要です。
It is generally said that city gas is cheaper than propane gas, but in some cases propane gas also provides its own services, such as free rental fees for water heaters. Study gas companies that can be contracted at home and compare them.
Even if there is only one layer of gas pipe, gas fan heaters can be installed in the bedroom on the second floor.
The gas hose will be longer, but the steps will not change much when adding the same floor. Remove the gas source from the water heater or gas meter and pull the gas hose along the outer wall.
ただし、家の形状によってはEngineering (engineering)を断られたり、2階の場合は別途費用がかかったりすることもあります。見積もりのときに相談してみましょう。
The water and electricity bill for gas fan heaters is about 40-50 yen per hour, and the electricity bill is about 0.5 yen.
In this case, if you use it for eight hours a day, it will cost about 10,000 yen for gas and 120 yen for electricity a month. However, this fee is only one of the standards because the type of machine and the type of gas in the contract are different, the area and tightness of the house are different.
Water and electricity charges of air conditioners and their comparison
エアコンの場合、機種や部屋の大きさにもよりますが、1時間あたりの電気代は40円ほど。1日8時間使用したとき、1ヶ月の電気代は9,600円ぐらいです。Water and electricity charges of air conditioners and their comparisonすると、ガスファンヒーターのほうがやや光熱費が高い傾向があるといえるでしょう。
However, the water and electricity charges of air conditioners are also standard, which will exceed the water and electricity charges of gas-fired fan heaters depending on the model. Especially in the case of the old model, due to the lack of energy-saving function, the water and electricity bill is easy to become high. Please note that the water and electricity charges of gas fan heaters are higher than those of air conditioners.
Gas fan heater is a kind of heating equipment which not only makes the room warm but also is not easy to dry, and is very convenient.
ただし、場合によってはガス栓の増設Engineering (engineering)が必要となります。ガス栓がない場合は、ガス会社にApplication (application)をしてEngineering (engineering)を依頼しましょう。Engineering (engineering)といっても半日以内で終わるもので、費用も2万円程度で行うことができます。この冬はガスファンヒーターを設置して、家で過ごす時間を暖かく快適にしてみてはいかがでしょうか。
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