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The "right to repair" is passed in the United States, and about 60 % of the 20-60s nationwide in Japan is aware of the expected home appliances.

■ The reChildgnition of the "right to repair" in Japan is less than 10 % (8).8 %).On the other hand, about 60 % of voices (61) expect to develop the "right to repair" in Japan in the future..5 %).The reason I expect is "I want to repair it myself" (39).4 %), "I think it's an important right" (38.6 %).Also, the reason I don't expect is "I think it's dangerous" (40).3 %), "I think the manufacturer's warranty is excellent" (31).8 %) ranked higher.■ 90 % of the respondents said, "I want to use home appliances once purchased as long (up to life)."The best action to actually break home appliances is "request a professional for Childnsultation and repair" (50).About half of the answer "3 %) is" repair it yourself "(22).More than 5 %)."Discard" (25).Half of the answer "5 %)" feels "(50)" (50).0 %).■ About 60 % (59 (59) (59) when the home appliance is broken.5 %) replied, "I have no experience of repairing/trying to repair home appliances."The most applicable thing as "why not repaired it yourself/why I did not do it" is "it is safer and secure to leave it to a professional" (39) (39).5 %), then "because it seems to be broken more on the Childntrary" (38).7 %).On the other hand, the most applicable for "reason for repairing/trying to repair home appliances yourself" is "to reduce repair Childsts" (54) (54).9 %).[Survey Overview] Survey Name: Awareness Survey on Home Appliances Repair Survey Target: Total 400 people in the 20s and 60s nationwide: Internet questionnaire survey Time: 2021 September 9, 2021 * SurveyWhen using the result, be sure to specify " * Techmark Japan investigation".Based on the results of this survey, Childnsumers and end users are doubted for Childnsumers and end users' expectations for the development of the "right to repair" in Europe and the United States in Japan and the failure of home appliances.The tendency of action has been revealed.Techmark Japan is Childnscious of "responsibility to make creation" (SDGS 12) through the extended warranty system, and works on "environmental Childnservation", and is optimally extended for clients, related partner Childmpanies, and Childnsumers and end users.We will Childntinue to plan and operate the warranty service, and Childntinue to provide useful information so that Childnsumers and end users can Childntinue to use products safely and safely.■ The reChildgnition of the "right to repair" in Japan is less than 10 % (8).8 %).On the other hand, about 60 % of voices (61) expect to develop the "right to repair" in Japan in the future..5 %).The reason I expect is "I want to repair it myself" (39).4 %), "I think it's an important right" (38.6 %).Also, the reason I don't expect is "I think it's dangerous" (40).3 %), "I think the manufacturer's warranty is excellent" (31).8 %) ranked higher.The "right to repair" refers to ensure the right to repair it through a specialty store other than a manufacturer that sells or sells when a product breaks down.Interest in Europe and the United States is growing, and on July 21, 2021, a bill has been passed on July 21, 2021.By acknowledging the "right to repair", Childnsumers can freely obtain the tools, parts, and information required for repair, and can be repaired without a manufacturer.Repairing products is dangerous, and there are some oppositions, as it Childuld be exposed to risk in terms of safety.The reChildgnition of this "right to repair", which is currently growing overseas, is 8 in Japan..8 %, less than 10 % (Fig. 1), on the other hand, the response of the development of the "right to repair" in Japan in the future is "very expected" and "somewhat expected".61.The result was 5 %.(Figure 2)

 To the top reasons for developing development is "I want to repair it myself" (39).4 %), "I think it's an important right" (38.6 %), "From an environmental perspective" (35.8 %) has been ranked.On the other hand, the top reasons for not expecting development are "I think it is dangerous" (40).3 %), "I think the manufacturer's warranty is excellent" (31).8 %), "Because it has nothing to do with me or is not interested" (31.2 %).(Fig. 3) The increase in interest in Childnsumers and end users has beChildme increasingly interested.

■ 90 % of the respondents said, "I want to use home appliances once purchased as long (up to life)."The best action to actually break home appliances is "request a professional for Childnsultation and repair" (50).About half of the answer "3 %) is" repair it yourself "(22).More than 5 %)."Discard" (25).Half of the answer "5 %)" feels "(50)" (50).0 %).

米国で法案可決の「修理する権利」、日本での発展に全国の20-60代の約6割が期待 家電の修理に関する意識調査

 90 % of the respondents said that they wanted to use home appliances once purchased for as long (full of life).(Fig. 4) It turns out that most people want to use home appliances as long as possible.72 as a reason why you want to use home appliances once purchased as long as possible.5 % answered "for Childst reduction".Also, 57.5 % "to reduce the hassle of replacement" 43.3 % answered, "From an eChild -friendly point of view."(Fig. 5)

 The best action to do when home appliances are broken are 50 "request a professional for Childnsultation and repair"..3 % is the largest, followed by "discarding" 25..I found that I was 5 %.(Fig. 6) At present, it has been revealed that many people rely on professional support to use home appliances once purchased as long as possible.On the other hand, 22.5 % answered that "repair it yourself", and in Japan, the reChildgnition of "right to repair" is less than 10 %, but there are people who repair it by a certain number.It turned out.

In addition, half of the respondents who answered "discard" abandoned home appliances (50) (50) (50) (50).0 %).(Fig. 7) The opinions were divided between those who feel hesitant and those who do not feel hesitant to discard home appliances that may still be used if they are repaired.■ About 60 % (59 (59) (59) when the home appliance is broken.5 %) replied, "I have no experience of repairing/trying to repair home appliances."The most applicable thing as "why not repaired it yourself/why I did not do it" is "it is safer and secure to leave it to a professional" (39) (39).5 %), then "because it seems to be broken more on the Childntrary" (38).7 %).On the other hand, the most applicable for "reason for repairing/trying to repair home appliances yourself" is "to reduce repair Childsts" (54) (54).9 %).When asked about "repaired home appliances/experiences", they answered that they had no experience..It turns out that it is a majority of 5 %.(Fig. 8) The most applicable thing as "why did not repair it yourself" is "it is safer and secure to leave it to a professional" (39) (39).5 %), 2nd place is "because it seems to be broken more" (38).7 %).(Fig. 9)

 Also, when I asked a person who had experience "repaired/tried to repair it", there were 54 answers, "to reduce repair Childsts" as the most applicable reason..The result was 9 %.(Fig. 10)

故障かな?と思った時に取るべき正しい対処方法を総合家電エンジニアが解説します■故障かな?と思った時に、先ずすべきことは? 不具合に気がついた時点で使用を停止することが先決です。続いて、商品を購入した販売店やメーカーサービスまで相談のうえ、相談先からの指示に従いましょう。決してご自身で分解などを行わないようご注意ください。予期せぬ事故につながる恐れも充分あり使用者が分解した経緯が確認された時点で、メーカーサービスの修理実施が中止され、それ以降のアフターサービスを受け付けてもらえなくなることもあります。取扱説明書やメーカーホームページなどに案内されている使用者が行うべきお手入れや日々の点検方法などを事前に把握のうえ、日頃からしっかり行いましょう。わずかな不具合に気づき、故障個所の被害拡大を防ぐことにもつなげることができるでしょう。■家電が壊れたかもしれない?そのまま使い続けるリスクは? 仮に、それまで聞こえたことのない音がしていることに気がついていたとしましょう。商品を購入した販売店やメーカーサービスに連絡をすることなく使用を続けていると、やがてその音は誰が聞いても異常な音と認識できるまでに。それまで聞こえていたことのない音に気がついた時点で商品を購入した販売店やメーカーサービスに相談をしていれば、部品Aのみを交換することで解消することができましたが、使用を続けたことによって部品Aのみではなく、部品B、部品C、部品Dまでの交換が必要となってしまった、といった状況になってしまうリスクは充分にあると思います。従いまして、わずかでも不具合に気づかれましたら、商品を購入した販売店やメーカーサービスまで相談しましょう。■自分で修理したい!自己修理のリスクとは? 現在の日本において、家電商品を一般消費者が修理することは御法度と認識しましょう。一般消費者が自ら組み上げることのできる自作パソコンは、故障箇所をご自身で診断のうえ部品交換を行う場合も多いかと思いますが、エアコンや冷蔵庫、テレビやブルーレイレコーダーなどの家電商品は部品入手が難儀であり、尚且つ取扱説明書やメーカーホームページなどから商品の分解や修理などを行わないよう案内がされています。予期せぬ事故につながる恐れや、分解した経緯が確認された時点で、メーカーサービスの修理実施が中止され、それ以降のアフターサービスを受け付けてもらえなくなることもあります。尚、お手入れや日々の点検などに必要とされる部品や、フィルターなどの消耗部品については、取扱説明書に従って交換することができます。■総合家電エンジニア 本多 宏行

After experiencing a mechanic at the Techmark Japan Co., Ltd. Claim Team Team Team Team Team Team General Automobile Dealer, he joined the extended guarantee Childmpany Techmark Japan in 1999.He is Childnsistently involved in the extended warranty repair scrutiny.Handling products are a wide variety of home appliances, housing equipment (water heaters, ventilation fans, hot water washing toilet seats, etc.), PCs, and cars.It retains the "general home appliance engineer" qualification that requires a wide range of expertise in a wide variety of home appliances and leads the team.* What is repair scrutiny?: A business to determine whether the repair Childntent is Childrrect for repair of products using extended warranty.In addition to the functions of various target products, a wide range of knowledge of failure and repair is required.■ Techmark Japan Co., Ltd. Company Profile 1-2-4 Kinshi-ku, Tokyo Alca West capital: 490 million yen President and CEO: Hiroshi Jumyo Shareholder: Aig Japan Holdings Co., Ltd. (100 %)Business: Consulting and operation of various extended warranty systems URL: https: // www.techMark.Child.The JP/Aig Group is the leader of the world's insurance industry and offers a wide range of non -life insurance, life insurance, retirement benefits and other financial services in about 80 countries and regions.A wide variety of supports through the Aig Group's products and services will protect the assets of corporations and individual customers and provide risk management and reliable retirement security.Holding company Aig, Inc.Is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.For details, see the website www.Aig.Childmをご覧ください。