[表示]Companies that have become larger to a certain level of business will grow into a group company with a number of subsidiaries under the umbrella.There are several styles of organizational formation of this group company, and each has its own strengths and disadvantages, so the method of organizing the corporate body is selected in consideration of the management policy, profit structure, and target markets of each group.It will be done.One of the methods of organizing this company is "Konglomarit" that is currently attracting attention.In this article, I will explain the characteristics and benefits of Konglomarit.
Conglomerate refers to a developed company that has developed by merging or acquisition of companies with different industries.Strictly speaking, it is not a Konglomarit unless it is a corporate body that spans many industries, but a group company composed of the same industry is sometimes called Konglomarit.
If you do a Konglomarit diversified management, you will enter a business field that is completely unrelated to the existing business.Considering the portfolio of a business model in a group company, entering such a different industry can be expected to have a business model risk hedging effect.In particular, because it is unclear how the aftercona world changes, the Konglomarit is an ideal management strategy, considering the risk hedging for survival.Another reason is that the performance of companies that take Konglomarit -type strategies like Rakuten is also noticeable.
Next, I will explain the effect of Konglomarit.It is said that the following effects will occur within the group company when the conglomarit is formed.
Conglomarit Premium means that the formation effect within the group company is used by forming a Konglomarit, and the stock price and the like increase as the investor's earnings increase.In order to generate Conglomarit Premium, it is necessary to create inter -business synergies through a group of technical sharing, and corporate synergy that makes use of huge business scale in sales and financing.
Conglomarit discount refers to a state in which many strategies are revenge and the synergy effect works negatively.Congromalit discounts will occur as a result of incorporating different industries that have nothing to do with the existing groups to develop a business model risk hedging and the development of a new field.
Let's organize the benefits and precautions of Konglomarit Diversification Strategy.
The following three benefits are the following three benefits for companies to take a conversation strategy for Konglomarit.
If you operate the Konglomarit type, there are several companies in the group that do completely different businesses.As a result, it is possible to share the know -how, thinking, technology, etc. that you did not have before, making it easier to create unexpected synergies.
This successful example is Hitachi.In the era of IoT, where everything is connected to the Internet, Hitachi, which has a variety of group companies, combines "OT (control technology)", "IT (information technology)" and "product", mainly in the digital solution business.Start providing services.As a result, we succeeded in creating synergies within the group.
The speed of the business model exhausted is getting faster every year.It is not unusual for a business that has been doing well until last year to be completely outpot at some point.Konglomarit can distribute such risks because of the strategy of expanding business in various fields.
Sony is the representative of Konglomarit companies that succeeded in diversifying risk.Sony was originally a manufacturing company such as a tape recorder that made Walkman a huge hit worldwide.However, the current Sony's main business that has been converted to Konglomarit is "sales of game consoles and its network service".In addition, the financial sector is growing steadily, and it is growing with the momentum that seems to catch up with the once mainly powerful electrical product category.In this way, the Sony Group has succeeded in dispersing the risks of each business division due to the conversion of Konglomarit.
Congromarit strategy is not suitable for synergies or results in a short period of time because it will enter completely different markets.However, if you can make a plan in the medium to long term, it is easy to draw new visions based on the creation of synergies.
This is very good at Rakuten, a leading Internet -related company in Japan.The Ebank Bank became a subsidiary in February 2009, and the Rakuten Bank has been carefully given the regeneration path, and is now growing it into an important business department that is the core of the financial service division in the group.
On the other hand, the following four points to keep in mind when performing a diversification strategy of Konglomarit type.
As mentioned above, Konglomarit is not suitable for short -term results, as we will develop business in new markets that are unrelated to existing technology and market.If you want to do a Konglomarit, you must sit down and plan in the medium to long term.
If you take Konglomarit as a strategy, the group is mixed in the group, so if you go well, you may create a completely new know -how or business.However, if you fail, you will not be able to communicate in the group, and you will be lacking in communication.If this happens, it will be difficult for synergies to create because new technologies and knowledge cannot be shared.
If you go well, you can create synergy in the medium to long term, but if the gears go crazy, there is a risk that companies in the group will collapse together.Therefore, if a mistake is made, the corporate value may decrease and the evaluation from investors may decrease.
Congromarit -type management has many different industries in the group, so its management strategies and policies differ for each company or business.Since there is almost no relevance between each business, the actual situation is that each business exists independently.Therefore, it is more difficult to govern the entire group compared to other business types.
As mentioned at the beginning, there are various other tissues for forming a company besides Konglomarit.Among them, the following four are particularly typical.Let's look at each difference.
トラスト |
コングロマリットが異なる業種を営む企業の集合体であるのに対し、トラストは同一業種を営む複数の企業同士が集まってグループ群を形成することをいいます。トラストを形成することによりシェアを一気に拡大できるため、過剰な競争による価格低下を防ぎ、市場での独占力を高められます。ただし、過度なトラストは市場の競争原理を歪める可能性があるため、公正取引委員会から独占禁止法違反の判定を受けないようにしなければなりません。 |
コンビナート |
コンビナートとは、ロシア語で「結合(kombinat)」を意味する言葉で、生産を効率的に行うために生産工程に関わる企業を一定地域で結合した企業体のことです。製品の製造工程で生じるコスト、減損や損耗、時間的ロスなどデメリットや無駄をなくすため、製造工程に関わる企業をある特定の地域に集結させ、複合企業として形成させたものがコンビナートです。 |
カルテル |
カルテルとは、同一業種を営む事業者同士が、市場を独占して価格や生産計画などの調整を自分たちの優位になるように行うための協定のことをいいます。なお、カルテルはコングロマリットとは違い、グループ内の企業同士に資本関係はありません。 |
コンツェルン |
コンツェルンはドイツ語の「グループ(Konzern)」を意味する言葉で、持ち株会社などを頂点にして子会社群・孫会社群を形成し、市場の独占を目的とする企業体のことをいいます。コングロマリットがリスクを減らしチャンスを増やす目的で多方面の業種を内包しているのに対し、コンツェルンは一業種で市場を独占することを目的としています。日本では戦前の財閥がコンツェルンにあたりますが、GHQにより財閥は解体され、その後独占禁止法によって持ち株会社の設立は禁止されました。しかし、この法律はM&Aを通じて組織再編を行うための障害となっていたため、1997年に改正され、持ち株会社の設立が解禁されました。 |
Corporate group diversification strategies can be categorized in addition to the Konglomarit type.Let's look at each.
The horizontal diversification strategy is a diversification strategy that converts existing businesses and technologies and launches new products in a market similar to the current market.An example of a car manufacturer producing electric motorcycles is a horizontal diversification strategy.While Konglomarit goes to different industries, the horizontal diversification strategy will be expected to have a low risk, as it will convert the know -how obtained in existing businesses.
A vertical diversification strategy is a diversification strategy that launches new products to existing customers and similar customers.An example of a dishwasher manufacturer producing a system kitchen is a vertical polygonized strategy.Compared to the Konglomarit, it will be easier to grasp customer needs as much as you want to promote new products to the existing customers, and you will be able to reduce the risk.
The intensive diversification strategy is a diversification strategy that launches products that are highly relevant to existing technology into a completely new market.Examples of diverting a digital camera sensor into medical technology are this intensive diversification strategy.Unlike Konglomarit, it can be said that it is a diversification strategy that makes it easy to create synergy effects such as reduction of development costs in order to manufacture products that are highly relevant to existing technology.
資本提携 | 一方(もしくはお互い)が他方の株式を持つことによって資本関係を構築し、お互いに業務面や資金面で協力し合うことをいいます。なお、お互いの独立性と経営への影響を考慮に入れ、多くは持ち株比率を1/3以下に設定します。 |
買収 | 被買収会社の株式を取得することにより子会社化するのが買収です。とくにM&Aの場合は、発行済株式のすべてを取得するケースがほとんどのため、被買収会社は買収会社の完全子会社となります。資本提携と比べると資本の結びつきが強くなるため、コングロマリット内の企業同士の結束も大変強いものになるといわれています。 |
合併 | 2つ以上の法人を1つの法人格に統合する組織再編のことです。独立した企業同士で合併が行われる場合や、コングロマリットなどのグループ内の再編で合併が行われる場合などがあります。合併会社が被合併会社を吸収する「吸収合併」と、被合併会社をすべて消滅させて新設合併会社を設立する「新設合併」の2つがあります。 |
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